Author Archives: Tex

FLG Roadtrip: Chasing Some Moon Dogs

Heading north for the weekend to chase some coyotes with the boys under a full moon! Tex

It’s Almost Time

Just received these new custom calls in the mail from Bob Patrick at Rare Earth Predator Calls, just in time to get them warmed up for predator season! These are the most amazing predator calls on the market today with superior sound quality and several world championships to their name! It’s time to kill some…

Deer Camp

I look forward to spending a week away in the north woods with my father each season at hunting camp! This is the man responsible for my crazy hunting/outdoors addiction and love him very much! We are looking forward to getting out in the woods tomorrow morning for opening day of the 2012 Michigan gun…

Hunting Whitetails In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

I headed up yesterday to Michigan’s upper peninsula for the week to my families hunting camp with my farther for gun season opener. We spent today scouting some different properties and got our blinds all setup in the perfect spots. The views up here in the north woods of Michigan are breathtaking and I look…

The Rut Is On!

Opie and I are heading out in the morning to one of our great whitetail properties for a all day set! Should be a fun and active day with the rut in full swing! Hunt high! Tex

Spring is Here

Well it official, Spring has arrived here in mid Michigan and our food plots are looking amazing! The deer have absolutely hammered these food plots all Winter with the lack of snow cover here most of the season. With this early Spring and unseasonably warm temperatures the food plots are just blowing out of the…