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Steelhead Bum or Bummed Steelheader

I had grandiose plans for the weekend of spending all day on the stream chasing spring steelhead and having fun relaxing. Turns out Mother Nature had other plans and dumped a whole pile of rain on us this week causing the rivers to all blow out. And to top it all off it’s snowing, blowing…

An Order of Frys

With the winter months locking down most of the watersheds, and most recently the melt off/rain blowing them out to unfishable levels, it was time to start re-stocking the steelhead boxes. The past few years of my late winter/early spring steelhead success can be attributed to 2 primary patterns, an often overlooked pattern and a…

Having a Blast U.P. North

We’ve been having a blast up in the beautiful wilderness of michigan’s upper peninsula. High winds put a damper on the calling conditions for coyotes today but the scenery was very enjoyable. We’ll be up and at em early in the morning and hopefully have some fur on the snow in the morning. Shoot straight,…

Super Bowl Coyote

Had a little time this afternoon before everyone showed up for the Super Bowl party. In a casual manner I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to go coyote hunting for a half hour since the conditions were perfect. I was pleasantly surprised when she said yes so I got stuff ready and we headed…

Pheasant, Bacon and Wild Rice Casserole

Pheasants are one of my favorite game animals to cook and have a delightful flavor. The problem is that without the skin and fat left on them they tend to dry out when cooking and aren’t as juicy as I like. The recipe below solves this problem and is one of my favorite ways to…

Calling Coyotes with Rare Earth Calls

Having a blast this weekend chasing Coyotes in Southwest Michigan with Predator Hunting Royalty Robert Patrick and Yotehead of Rare Earth Predator Calls. The weather has been beautiful so far and the mighty Coyote has been coming to our calls, although he has yet to give himself up to us this weekend so far. Tomorrow…