First Coyote of the Year

Last week while out hunting Whitetails sitting in my stand on the fencerow pictured above I counted 5 different coyotes from my stand, called in two and had two shots which resulted in no dead coyotes (you’d be surprised at how effective coyotes are at dodging arrows). I have managed this property for game animals and also have encouraged coyotes to live there because I love calling them so much.

Well this morning I went after them and called in a double on my first and only set of the day. As the first coyote was coming in from directly in front of me (see pic above) the second coyote came from the ditch to the right and damn near ran over top of me. I stayed on the first coyote and was able to make a running shot on him at 45-50yds.

It was a younger male dog with beautiful coloring. The fur isn’t as primed up as I like so I will probably hold off a few weeks before I really start after them. All in all though it was an amazing morning.




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